Idioma EN

Xingu: Contacts

Exhibition texts

Institutional text: FUNAI

Institutional text: IMS

Curatorial text: Takumã Kuikuro

Curatorial text: Guilherme Freitas

Kamikia Kisêdjê

Coletivo Kuikuro de Cinema


Kujãesage Kaiabi

From the archives to the community

Contact revisited

Ronuro and Sangradouro

Refuge and exile

News from the Xingu

The Brazilian Far West


Kamatxi Ikpeng

Divino Tserewahú

The visible and the invisible

Maureen Bisilliat

Magic and threatened land

Ritual future

Piratá Waurá

Symbols of the fight

Airplanes and machetes

On the other side of the camera

Images of memory