Idioma EN

IMS Code of conduct


Instituto Moreira Salles
Julho de 2024

The Instituto Moreira Salles Code of Conduct aims to ensure all people who collaborate with IMS, regardless of the nature of their collaboration, treat each other and the communities and institutions with which we work with dignity and respect, such as people who work for IMS, therefore being part of the IMS Team, as well as people associated to IMS researching its collections and databases or cooperating through artistic and curatorial contributions.

The entire IMS Team in addition to researchers, artists and other people associated and in collaboration with IMS are expected to understand and put into practice the provisions of this Code of Conduct. All of these are to record their receipt and willingness to apply. The record will be forwarded by the Human Resources area and will constitute a formal commitment to its content.

Instituto Moreira Salles is based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability (CRPD), the Brazilian Statute of the Child and Adolescent (ECA), the Brazilian Statute of Youth, the Brazilian Statute of the Elderly and the Brazilian Federal Constitution. IMS undertakes in the exercise of its activities to comply with the legislation in force, its statutes, policies and procedures, internal regulations and the contracts which govern its work.

As used in this document, “IMS” refers to Instituto Moreira Salles. “IMS Team” refers to all people who work for IMS, whether managers, employees, permanent or occasional service providers and collaborators, regardless of the form or term of their hiring. “Associated people” are volunteers or people involved in volunteering activities, dependent relatives who accompany IMS teams traveling for work and any other people acting as representatives of IMS. “Interns and young apprentices” are students undertaking supervised internship activities at Instituto Moreira Salles. “Researchers” are all people interacting with IMS when researching its collections or databases. “Artists” are all people carrying out artistic and curatorial activities in cooperation with IMS.


Who does it apply to

All people who collaborate with Instituto Moreira Salles, such as IMS Team, associated people, interns, young apprentices, researchers and artists must comply with what is set out in this Code of Conduct.


Management and leadership

If you hold a management or a leadership position at Instituto Moreira Salles, this means IMS assigns you greater responsibilities in terms of transparency and accountability, to create work environments supportive of the IMS Team and associated people; also, aware that you have a role in relation to the team under your direct management and leadership, you must ensure that anyone in your team acts in accordance with health, safety and security guidelines, strives to protect others and perform their tasks competently and ethically, with no kind of prejudice or discrimination whatsoever.

IMS further expects you not to use the position of power conferred by your duties to exert pressure, harass, or obtain any personal, economic, professional, political or sexual favor or benefit.

If you work and travel nationally or internationally for IMS, your conduct, as well as that of members of your family accompanying you, will be more visible and subject to greater scrutiny on our part.


Interpersonal Relations at IMS

As part of the IMS Team or as an associated person, intern, young apprentice, researcher, artist or people in collaboration with IMS, you must:

  1. Respect the rights of all, with no discrimination;
  2. Always act fairly and honestly, and treat people with dignity and respect, creating an environment that celebrates diversity;
  3. Preserve the professional reputation of IMS, defending and complying with its standards and procedures. You must not take part in any form of discrimination, harassment or abuse (physical, sexual, psychological, moral or verbal), intimidation or exploitation, nor infringe human rights, whether in face-to-face or virtual relationships and spaces.


Conduct at IMS

As part of the IMS Team or as an associated person, intern, young apprentice, researcher, artist or people in collaboration with IMS, you must maintain high standards of professional and personal conduct:

  1. You must ensure your behavior does not put at risk the political and religious neutrality of IMS;
  2. You must maintain an open and honest attitude in your relations with IMS;
  3. You must comply with any professional Code of Conduct and internal guidelines applicable to your position and profession;
  4. You must ensure the appropriate use of IMS resources so that assets and intellectual property are not misappropriated and are duly protected against theft, fraud or any other harm;
  5. You must maintain appropriate standards of honesty and integrity in financial reporting;
  6. You must seek to ensure your conduct does not bring IMS into discredit;
  7. You must not seek any personal or family profit or advantage when working with IMS, or on its behalf;
  8. You must not accept gifts worth more than 100 reais, favors of financial value or any other services offered as a result of your work with IMS, nor goods or services of any kind. In order to respect national and local traditions and conventional hospitality, gifts above this value may be accepted (if refusal is not possible) but must be forwarded to immediate management for destination definition.
  9. You must not establish any business relationship on behalf of IMS;
  10. You must not behave in a way that creates unnecessary risks to your safety or that of others;
  11. You must not drink alcohol to an extent that adversely affects your ability to perform your work, or use any substance that affects the reputation of IMS;
  12. You must not use computers, cell phones, video and digital cameras and other IMS-owned equipment to watch, download, create or distribute inappropriate material, including, but not limited to, pornographic, defamatory, abusive, sexist, racist or that involves exploitation;
  13. You must not carry any type of weapon when carrying out any activity or while on IMS property (owned or rented), including cultural centers, offices, vehicles, etc.;
  14. You must not exchange money, employment, goods or services for sex with children and adolescents, including sexual favors or any other form of humiliating, degrading or exploitative behavior;
  15. You must not hire services that use any form of labor under conditions similar to slavery or that use child labor.


Reports of non-compliance with the code of conduct

The Code of Conduct must be put into practice by all people who collaborate with IMS: the IMS Team, associated people, interns, young apprentices, researchers, and artists. All of these must report any concern or incident related to non-compliance with this Code of Conduct. A committee will be formed to receive and analyze reports of non-compliance. Staff, people from the community and counterparts must be able to share their concerns in this regard. Concerns about non-compliance with the Code of Conduct should be raised through appropriate reporting channels. This can be done orally or in writing and must include all details and available supporting evidence. Reports will be treated confidentially. Instituto Moreira Salles guarantees that anyone who raises serious concerns regarding compliance with the Code of Conduct will be protected against reprisals or any other harmful treatment, as long as the concerns are raised in good faith. Deliberately false accusations are a serious disciplinary offense to be investigated and dealt with accordingly.


Code implementation and monitoring

The Board is responsible for ensuring the implementation and monitoring of the Code of Conduct. Failure to comply with the IMS Code of Conduct and the standards of behavior it promotes and requires may result in disciplinary action. In some cases, we may choose to report to appropriate government authorities, and in other cases, we will be required to do so. The Board is responsible for ensuring all people who collaborate with IMS: the IMS Team, associated people, interns, young apprentices, researchers, and artists are informed about the Code of Conduct and are committed to respecting it. The Board is also responsible for regularly reviewing and updating this document.

Diversity and inclusion are core values and commitments of Instituto Moreira Salles. We disapprove of any prejudiced behavior or expression and we count on you to build a safe, collaborative and respectful environment for all.