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Little Africas – QR code 25

Though samba is an invention involving many voices, throughout the decades, there has been a rise in samba culture of tutelary characters who are revered, even internationally, for consolidating and […]

Little Africas – QR code 24

Heitor dos Prazeres was a restorer at the Ministry of Education’s Laboratory for the Conservation and Restoration of Historic Heritage Paintings. In this photographic essay, Carlos Moskovics goes beyond documenting […]

Little Africas – QR code 23

Professionalization introduced documents into the lives of sambistas that hitherto had been foreign to them, such as employment contracts and corporate registration. At the other extreme, it also led to […]

Little Africas – QR code 22

From the 1930s onwards, composing, playing and singing samba ceased to be a transgression and became a profession. Although they were still far from being on a level playing field […]

Little Africas – QR code 21

Clementina de Jesus (1901-1987) began her career in Rosa de ouro [Golden Rose], a show created by Hermínio Bello de Carvalho that premiered at Rio de Janeiro’s Teatro Jovem in […]

Little Africas – QR code 20

Heitor dos Prazeres is one of the fullest manifestations of the possibilities that opened up in Little Africa for Afro-descendant people to exercise their creativity and citizenship. Composer, singer, painter […]

Little Africas – QR code 19

In February of 1922, the Oito Batutas [which roughly translates as the “Eight Conductor’s Wands”] (though there were actually seven of them, later renamed Les Batutas) did a 6-month stint […]

Little Africas – QR code 18

Ernesto Joaquim Maria dos Santos (1889-1974), or Donga, faced a longstanding controversy over the authorship of “Pelo telefone”, which he registered under his name at the National Library, later including […]

Little Africas – QR code 17

The first recordings of “Pelo telefone” [Over the Telephone] circulated a musical genre, samba, whose origin is disputed to this day, on a hitherto unprecedented scale. Although several previous phonographic […]

Little Africas – QR code 16

Francisco Guimarães (circa 1875-1947), known as Vagalume [which means firefly in Portuguese], was one of the few black journalists of his time, and one of the few among them to […]