Idioma EN

Carolina Maria de Jesus:

Brazil for Brazilians

Consulting Board

Given Carolina’s relevance and singularity, IMS and the curation team felt it was essential to form an external consulting board to enrich the exhibition’s tenor and contribute with considerations, opinions, and criticism. During the process of conception of the exhibition, two virtual meetings were held.

The group is comprised of 12 women with recognized presence in their areas: Bel Santos Mayer, social educator and one of the creators of the project Biblioteca Caminhos da Leitura (“Reading Pathways Library”); Denise Ferreira da Silva, philosopher and professor at the University of British Columbia; Carmen Silva, writer and leader of Movimento Sem-Teto do Centro (movement of homeless people of the São Paulo downtown area); Conceição Evaristo, PhD Literature, writer; Elisa Lucinda, writer, poet, and actress; Lúcia Xavier, social worker and founder of the NGO Criola; Mãe Celina de Xangô, yalorisha and manager of Centro Cultural Pequena África (“Little Africa Cultural Center”); Paula Beatriz de Souza Cruz, teacher and director of State School Santa Rosa de Lima; Petronilha Beatriz Gonçalves e Silva, PhD Education, professor emeritus at Universidade Federal de São Carlos; Sueli Carneiro, PhD Education, philosopher and founder of NGO Geledés; Zezé Menezes, biologist and one of the founders of Núcleo de Consciência Negra – USP; as well as actress Zezé Motta.

 The exhibition will include the screening of a video with testimonials from the board members


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