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Fotoclubismo em Poços de Caldas – ​​Brevíssimo panorama do fotoclubismo no Brasil

​​Brevíssimo panorama do fotoclubismo no Brasil Mariana Newlands* Áudio com a leitura do texto   É na virada do século XX, seis décadas após a invenção da fotografia, que se […]

Madalena Schwartz: As metamorfoses (IMS Poços) – Biografia de Madalena Schwartz

Biografia de Madalena Schwartz Áudio com a leitura do texto   Magdolna Mandel nasce em 9 de outubro de 1921, em Budapeste, Hungria, filha de Rózsa Fisch e Jenö Mandel. […]

Madalena Schwartz: As metamorfoses (IMS Poços) – Texto da curadoria

Texto da curadoria Áudio com a leitura do texto   As metamorfoses propõe uma imersão no longo ensaio fotográfico que Madalena Schwartz começou a produzir em 1971, quando passou a […]

Iole de Freitas, 1970s / Image as presence – Exhibition texts

Exhibition texts This exhibition brings together works of art created by Iole de Freitas more than five decades ago, some of them rarely exhibited, and many of them known only […]

Madalena Schwartz: The Metamorphoses – Exhibition texts

Exhibition texts As metamorfoses [The Metamorphoses] offers an immersion in the long-lasting photographic essay that Madalena Schwartz began producing in 1971, when she started portraying crossdressers, transformists and characters from […]

Photoclubbing in Poços de Caldas – A very brief overview of photoclubbing in Brazil

A very brief overview of photoclubbing in Brazil It is at the turn of the twentieth century, six decades after the invention of photography, that one of the first Brazilian […]

Photoclubbing in Poços de Caldas – Curatorial text

Curatorial text In 2021, during the selection of objects for the exhibition of photographer Limercy Forlin – presented that year at the Instituto Moreira Salles in Poços de Caldas –, […]

Photoclubbing in Poços de Caldas – Institutional text

Institutional text The Instituto Moreira Salles reopens its cultural center in Poços de Caldas, after carrying out works in its spaces that have improved the conditions for welcoming visitors and […]

Little Africas – QR code 37

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi […]

Little Africas – QR code 36

Familial, community, religious and artistic ties form the complex web of relationships that stretches from Little Africa, at the beginning of the twentieth century, to [today’s] streaming platforms. Mães-de-santo, musicians, […]